Paul Haury

I love human relationships. Every problem or incredible achievement in a company stems from its people. The highest performing people on earth have one thing in common, they belong. And there’s only one focus area in business where people come first, “Human”...

Miriam Hernandez

I admire HR for its ability to navigate complex organizational challenges, finding innovative solutions that benefit both the employees and the company.

Jenna McCaffrey

I love working in HR because it gives me the opportunity to work closely with business professionals in diverse industries. Whether I’m helping to overcome unforeseen obstacles or celebrating the successes – I love it all and there’s never a dull moment. Jenna...

Laura Shelton

I love helping employees and management improve the quality of their time spent at work. Sometimes that comes through having a difficult conversation to get to the root of an issue before it escalates. Other times, I support clients by developing policies or programs...